YIOTIS S.A: The first 20 babies of the CSR Program "A Hope is born!" were born. - Μια ελπίδα γεννιέται!

In collaboration with hopegenesis
YIOTIS S.A: The first 20 babies of the CSR Program “A Hope is born!” were born.

Just one and a half years after the announcement of the beginning of the 4-years Corporate Social Responsibility Program “A hope is born!”YIOTIS company announces, with great joy and satisfaction, the birth of its first 20 babies. The babies are born in the 90 remote villages that the company has adopted, in the Regional Units of Arta, Evritania, Fokida, Fthiotida and EviaYIOTIS company, in collaboration with the Non-Profit Company HOPEgenesis support in these areas women who wish to become mothers, covering all the costs of antenatal care and childbirth. In addition, it covers babies’ baby food needs, for their first two years of their life.

The joyful news of the birth of the 20 babies coincides with the celebration of the International Mother’s Day and brings a message of hope and optimism about how, the current statistics on the annual number of births in Greece can be improved with effort and responsibility.

The babies that were born live in the Municipalities: Karpenisi (9), Central Tzoumerka (5), Lamia (2), Makrakomi (3) and Karystos (1). YIOTIS SA has provided so far 25,000 meals of baby milk and 5,000 meals of baby cream.

In addition, within the framework of the Program, the company has made 5 trips to the Central Municipalities of the adoption areas, for informing the residents and the local bodies about the program during local events.

YIOTIS S.A. will continue the implementation of the Program “A hope is born!”, demonstrating its commitment to the Greek family and the deeper meaning of social responsibility.

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