Terms of Use - Μια ελπίδα γεννιέται!

In collaboration with hopegenesis

Terms of Use and Cookie Policy


Visitors and users of the website are kindly requested to read these Terms of Use carefully and to visit or use the pages and services of the website only if they accept them unconditionally. Visitors or users accessing this website are presumed to be aware of the Terms of Use, having accepted them without reservation and having waived any right to make legal claim in this respect. These Terms of Use may be modified at any time, without notice, and visitors or users are therefore invited to check back periodically to see if any changes have been made. Use of the site after any such change is considered as acceptance of the terms of use as amended.
Access to jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr is permitted throughout its working operation, but the Company reserves the right to withdraw or discontinue provision of the service without prior notice at any time. Under no circumstances is the company liable for any failure to access the service, whether in whole or in part, for any reason.
The Company makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the content of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr contains complete, accurate, clear, legitimate, informative, up-to-date, true and non-misleading information. Under no circumstances, however, does the Company assume any liability, obligation or guarantee with respect to security or content. Users of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr accept the possibility that the Company will be unable to control all of its content and services. Furthermore, the Company provides no guarantee that the use of any information, data or materials contained in jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr content by users will not infringe third party rights.
Use of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr is made at the sole and exclusive responsibility of users and the content thereof does not constitute and may not, under any circumstances, be construed as advice or direct or indirect encouragement of users to perform any act or action. Evaluation of content is the responsibility of each user who also assumes the responsibility for the use of any part thereof.
Users are exclusively responsible for the possession and maintenance of the telephone connections, hardware and equipment in general that is required for the use of the services of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr.


Intellectual property rights are acquired without any formal indication and without requirement of an express clause prohibiting infringement thereof. jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr and its content (which includes all trade marks, distinguishing features, patents, names, written content, images, graphics, plans, photographs, programmes, informational material of any kind, data, software) constitutes intellectual and industrial property of the Company and is protected under the relevant provisions of Greek, Community and international law.
Please note that pursuant to Law 2121/1993, as amended and currently in force, the International Berne Convention ratified by virtue of Law 100/1975 and the relevant provisions on the protection of online intellectual property, any form of copying, amendment, intervention, transfer, distribution, resale, lease, republication, reproduction, re-transmission in electronic or mechanical form, storage, printing, creation of derivative work, download by any person or misdirection of the public with regard to the actual owner of the content is expressly forbidden.
The content of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr does not constitute and may not, under any circumstances, be construed as providing express or implied licence or right to use any trade mark displayed thereon without the written consent of the Company or third parties that may have ownership rights to the trade marks displayed thereon. The trade marks, logos and distinctive features displayed on jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr and the display of persons or places or objects that are part of its content are property of the Company or third parties. The use thereof is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Company, unless otherwise provided for in the applicable terms of use.
Products, services, trade names, trade marks or distinctive features belonging to third parties that are displayed on jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr constitute intellectual and industrial property of the third parties in question, who bear respective liability.
Information submitted to the Company via jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr is considered information of a non-confidential nature and does not constitute property of the user in question. The property of the Company includes, as appropriate, anything transferred or relayed or sent via jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr. The Company may collect limited information for its commercial activities.


Given the globalised nature of the Internet and the size there of, any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages that may arise as a result of accessing jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr by any user or that are due to the use thereof, including cases of negligence, do not give rise to any liability on the part of the Company, or its directors or employees or its associates or any of its agents. Users are requested to use anti-virus software and malware protection.
The Company bears no liability for damages or expenses that may arise with respect to the use of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr or inability to use it, by any person, or with respect to a failure to execute, error, omission, interruption, defect, delayed operation or delayed transmission or system line drop. The Company shall bear no liability whatsoever for any damage or fault or virus infection affecting the personal computer or other electronic medium used by users to access/ visit/ use or download any material, data, text, images, video or sound forming part of its content.
Services made available through the website are provided to the users of the electronic store “as is”. The Company offers no guarantee that the content of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr and the quality of the services provided will meet the requirements and expectations of users. The Company bears no liability for any legal or civil or criminal claims with respect to the operation or use of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr or for any damage of any kind inflicted either by website visitors or by third parties.
The Company is not liable and undertakes no obligation whatsoever for payment of compensation in relation to claims relating to the content of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr, nor for any error, inaccuracy, omission, false statement or anything else that might infringe on any legal rights of third parties, that may be found in its content.


The use of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr services presupposes agreement by users to the following rules of conduct:
Users are exclusively responsible for any and all content posted, published, sent, transferred or otherwise made available via the services of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr. It is mutually agreed and understood that all information, data, written content, graphics, photographs, images, music files, videos and messages, and all content in general, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, shall remain the exclusive responsibility of the natural or legal person from which the content originates. It is not possible for the Company to control all content posted by its users via jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr services due to its volume, and therefore, the Company offers no guarantee as to the accuracy, integrity, lawfulness or quality of such content.
ii) Users understand and accept that jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr makes no preliminary check of posted content; however, jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr and its competent affiliates retain the exclusive right, without obligation, to decide to reject a post or publication or to move or delete any content made available via the services of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr. Furthermore, the Company and its competent affiliates reserve the right to delete any content posted on jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr that violates these terms of use.
iii) Users accept and acknowledge that they must evaluate and assume responsibility for any risk that may be posed by the use of any content, including any decision they make to rely on the accuracy, completeness and/or usefulness of any part of the content. In particular, users understand and accept that they cannot rely on the content and information posted on jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr, including information made available on jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr.
Users are required to maintain strict compliance with the applicable legislation pertaining to communication of data from Greece and Europe to third countries.
Users accept and acknowledge that in using the services of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr, they may be exposed to content that could be offensive, immoral or illegal. Under no circumstances may jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr be held liable for any errors or omissions included in any part of the content, or for any loss or damage that may arise from the use of any content that is posted, sent, transmitted or otherwise made available by users via the services of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr. If jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr receives information indicating that any content is causing damage to third parties, it reserves the right to immediately delete such content and to also delete the account of any user that is in breach of the terms and conditions hereof.
Since it is possible to conduct internet conversations via jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr, the INTERNET user code (NETIQUETTE) should be followed and users are prohibited from adopting unacceptable practices.
vii) In the event of non-compliance of users with these Terms of Use and applicable legislation, the Company reserves the right of recourse to any action necessary, including restriction of access to all or part of the services provided, as well as deletion of accounts, movement or editing of messages.
viii) When using the services of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr, the following are prohibited: Posting, publishing, sending, transferring or using any other method to establish content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, defamatory, profane, violent, spiteful, racist or otherwise objectionable, affects the personality and personal data of other persons, causes feelings of hatred and/or leads to the commission of any other criminal offence, or causes harm to underage children in any way.
Posting, publishing, sending, transferring or using any other method to install unsolicited or non-authorised advertisements or other content for the promotion of products, sending unwelcome and unsolicited emails and any other form of unwanted promotion of content. Harassment or invasion, in any manner whatsoever, of the privacy and the personal and social rights of other users (such as by collecting and/or storing the personal data of other users/members).
False statements as to the users’ identity or the making of misleading statements as to the relationship and/or cooperation of users with another natural or legal person as well as alteration of identifying details of users with intent to deceive as to the origin of the content transmitted through the services of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr.
Posting, publishing, sending, transferring or using any other method to install content by a person not entitled to distribute said content by law or under a confidential relationship, as well as posting, publishing, sending, transferring or using any other method to install software or content in any form (text, image, sound, video, animation) that infringes any intellectual and industrial property rights of any entity.
Posting, publishing, sending, transferring or using any other method to install and/or promote and/or make available content that contains digital viruses or any other electronic code, files or programmes designed to interfere with, destroy or restrict the operation of any software or computer hardware or telecommunications network or hardware.
Interfering with or disrupting the services or servers or networks that are connected to the site services, or breaching the conditions, procedures and rules of use of said networks. Violation of any Greek, European, international law pertaining to and/or covering any service of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr.
jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr users accept and acknowledge that they shall be exclusively liable for indemnification of the Company and its affiliates with respect to any legal dispute arising between it and any third parties as a result of the content they post, publish or otherwise transfer via the services of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr.


Read our Data Protection Policy here


The website uses cookies to identify the users of its services. Cookies are small text files stored on the hard drive of each user, they do not access any document or file on the user's computer and are only used to facilitate user access to specific services for marketing and statistical purposes, in order to determine the areas in which the services offered are useful or popular. Users can adjust the settings on their browsers or servers so that they do not accept cookies, either in all cases or on a site-by-site basis. In this case, the user may not have further access to these services.


These terms and conditions and any amendments thereto are governed by and interpreted according to Greek law. If any provision is deemed null and void or unenforceable, it shall cease to apply ipso jure without affecting the validity and effect of the remaining terms and conditions. The courts of Athens shall be competent for the resolution of any dispute that may arise from the use of jotis-miaelpidagennietai.gr.


To contact the website administrator, please send an e-mail to [email protected]
In addition, if you have any problems with the content of the site that are related to legal or ethical issues, especially regarding its reproduction and the exercise of intellectual property rights, please notify us at [email protected]

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